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How we would like you to contribute and what you might like to contribute!

What do we need

We need more people to work through these tutorials and tell us about our assumptions or oversights! What have we missed? What is not clear? What do you need more of? What do you need less of?! Come over to our GitHub issues and tell us! If you have never used GitHub issues, here is a tutorial which explains how and why they can be used.

We’d also love to hear from people with experience using the GitHub system, for feedback on whether we’re explaining the core concepts and methodology correctly! I’ve framed everything in terms I understand and have used to teach others, but I’d love to learn more!

Contact us

The easiest way to get in touch is via our GitHub issues. Leave a comment or feedback and I’ll be in touch!

You are also welcome to email me at, to discuss this project, make suggestions, or just say “Hi”!