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Open WIN Community Strategy

Developing the strategy for emgagement.

Work in Progress

By Cass Gould van Praag. Wo

We need to haver a plan to structure our activities and measure their success! I am going to start this process following a strategy structure shared by the excellent people at The Centre for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE). Community vision and mission statements will be created using materials shared via Community Pulse.

1. What is the world we wish to see? What are we trying to achieve? Why?

This is big picture thinking that should lead to your organisation’s or community’s vision and mission.

WIN Open Neuroimaging

The wider mission and vision have been extracted from the WIN themes


“Increase the openness of our data, to be a leader in the way that data is shared, and importantly, in how tools (such as the FMRIB Software Library), pipelines and databases can be used to ensure that the data shared is useful to other researchers.”


“Make scientific data, code and results openly accessible [to] facilitate discovery and hence accelerates the translation of methods and results to the clinic.”

Open WIN Community


A one-sentence statement describing the reason your organisation or program exists. (what you do + who/what you do this for). Made up through combining parts of the below statements.

Actions we will take/produce

To empower; To train; To support.

People we benefit

Researchers; Patients; The clinic.

Researchers investigating human brain health and the patients they serve.

Services we provide

Tools and practices for sharing research outputs.

Problems we solve

Outputs not openly accessible; Slow translation; data and pipelines which are shared are not useful.

Causes we support

Diversity; Inclusivity; Openness; Sharing; human brain health; patients

Putting it all together

Supporting inclusive open research practices to improve human brain health


Openly sharing our research outputs.

Mission and Vision

Mission: Supporting the use of inclusive open research practices at WIN to improve human brain health

Vision: Open and considered sharing of WIN research outputs

2. How, who (with and for whom) and when (on what timescale)?

These questions will define the overarching method you use to get to your big-picture vision, or your strategy.


  • Create training materials
  • Refine processes
  • Devise policy and incentives
  • Normalise behaviours
  • Create behaviour change
  • Build community
  • Share knowledge


  • Students
  • Researchers
  • Core staff
  • Principle Investigators
  • Clinicians


  • 2022

3. If your vision is your destination, and strategy is the road you’re taking to get there, what will help you move along this road?

Which vehicle, how will you acquire it and how will you keep it running? A small number of goals that underpin your mission and strategy are your objectives.

Coming soon

4. What does success look like for these objectives?

Can you express success as a set of key results that are SMART? (SMART to me means Sensible, Measurable, Achievable (but still challenging), Realistic and Time-bound, but there are variants on this.)

Coming soon

5. Which are the activities and tasks — or programming, content and engagement mechanisms — that might help you achieve these key results, and in which order do you need to do them?

This last step can help you align your short-term work with objectives (and say no) and then evaluate whether this has worked (has your key result become a reality?).

Coming soon